User Interface

alt4blind user interface


Alternative Texts (Alt-Text) for chart images are essential for making graphics accessible to people with blindness and visual impairments. Traditionally, Alt-Text is manually written by authors but often encounters issues such as oversimplification or complication. Recent trends have seen the use of AI for Alt-Text generation. However, existing models are susceptible to producing inaccurate or misleading information. We address this challenge by retrieving high-quality alt-texts from similar chart images, serving as a reference for the user when creating alt-texts. Our three contributions are as follows: (1) we introduce a new benchmark comprising 5,000 real images with semantically labeled high-quality Alt-Texts, collected from Human Computer Interaction venues. (2) We developed a deep learning-based model to rank and retrieve similar chart images that share the same visual and textual semantics. (3) We designed a user interface (UI) to facilitate the alt-text creation process. Our preliminary interviews and investigations highlight the usability of our UI.

Retrieval Model

teaser image


          author="Moured, Omar
          and Farooqui, Shahid Ali
          and M{\"u}ller, Karin
          and Fadaeijouybari, Sharifeh
          and Schwarz, Thorsten
          and Javed, Mohammed
          and Stiefelhagen, Rainer",
          title="Alt4Blind: A User Interface to Simplify Charts Alt-Text Creation",
          booktitle="Computers Helping People with Special Needs",
          publisher="Springer Nature Switzerland",